Today, WhatsApp adds a new, yet simple option to its messaging tools. Users will now be able to preview voice messages before actually sending them, adding to their confidence that they sound just as they would expect. Check out WhatsApp official Tweet for a sample preview.

Hearing Double

Unless you’re comfortable hearing yourself, most of us find the experience of listening to our own voice on recording rather jarring, hearing that we don’t sound , externally, as we do in our heads. Cringe-factor aside, it can be a handy way to ensure that your voice messages are as you intended them to be, possibly improving communication by virtue of this new option.

Voice messaging is particularly popular in India, where many languages are spoken. However, not everyone is able to read and write every dialect as well as they may be able to interpret the same via voice. This is why Meta has been focusing on adding more voice features, and perhaps the same reason why Clubhouse is seeing good traction in India, which has now become a key market for its future growth.

Despite video being the choice-medium for most content, as video currently shows the highest rate in terms of audience connection, voice serves as the in-between for text and video, which, in certain situations, leads to more favorable outcomes. True enough, there are certain avenues where audio plays an important, if not critical, role in the various formats utilized by other social platforms. Twitter Spaces, Clubhouse, and even TikTok are a couple of prime examples that utilize audio just as much as they would plain text and/or video.

However, when it comes to messaging, the list of platforms does narrow down a bit. Unfortunately for TikTok, it’s not as strong in terms of messaging when compared to competitors such as Instagram and Facebook who, despite having respective versions of TikTok-inspired features, also have additional tools that allows them to perform messaging tasks, adding more to both apps’ overall utility; although Messenger does offer slightly more capability compared to its IG counterpart.

The Wrap

WhatsApp is the most used messaging app in India, by a big margin. As such, it could very well be that WhatsApp has also become a key app that drives engagement, making the addition of extra voice features a much welcomed update to its current processes, which could be a big help in maximizing utility.

Because you can’t really check voice messages, unless you have some form of caption option enabled, it’s worth rechecking what you’re about to share in order to ensure that there’s no chance for misinterpretation. Again, it’s a fairly simple addition, but such additions often have the biggest benefits. Yes, you can always record and listen to the recording using a separate app, but this update simplifies that and reduces the need to have to exit out of WhatsApp just to check the recording quality.

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