Meta just published its latest video in its ‘Social Skills’ series, which provides tips and insights about how big brands best make use of Facebook and Instagram for their campaigns and promotions.

The latest video in the series – now in its second season – is an interview with the Vice President of paid media and social strategy at MGM Resorts, Derek Shoen. Especially if you’re in the tourism and events promotion sector, this latest entry is a must-watch.

Shoen Says

If you’re looking to improve both your Facebook and Instagram marketing, then Shoen’s top tips fall into these three key categories:

1. Evoke Emotion

A key part of MGM’s strategy is to show off what’s on offer at its various destination hotels, but more importantly, what people might be missing out on. To maximize FOMO, MGM lens on user-generated content, with Shoen noting that Live is a great way to present ‘what you could be experiencing if you were here’.

As Shoen explains:

“We do a lot of immersive and video content, whether it’s something quick and digestible like Stories or an instant experience that allows them to learn a little bit more about our properties and engage with them directly.”

2. Testing

Shoen shares with us a couple of notes on MGM’s approach to split testing to maximize ad performance. Shoen says that they conduct a range of split tests, on a range of variables to find the best combinations to maximize performance.

“Something as simple as changing the copy in a headline, or in the post copy, [an image of] a restaurant full of people versus a plate of food, and see what performs best.”

This is an important consideration, even if your testing involves only minor elements and tweaks, they can greatly influence performance. It’s a good way to test which variations get better responses to further refine your approach.

3. Personalization

Lastly, Shoen lauds Facebook’s Dynamic Ads for Travel as being a key outreach element for MGM. Dynamic Travel Ads enable travel brands to retarget prospective travelers who have already shown interest in a trip – either on your website, app, or broader web search.

Dynamic Travel Ads utilize uploaded brand inventory, highlighting the most relevant destination details to each user, which, as Shoen notes, enables personalization at scale.

“The great thing about Facebook is that it allows us to personalize what content is shown based on where consumers are at within their life cycle.”

The Wrap

Again, short of not knowing MGM at all, these are incredibly valuable notes for travel and tourism brands. The great thing about this is that you can watch and rewatch the video to really note down all the juicy details and tidbits of information.

You can watch the first video in Season 2 of the ‘Social Skills’ series here.

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