Here’s some much welcomed news, Facebook has launched a new series of virtual training sessions for female business owners in celebration of Women’s Small Business Month. The new series is aimed at providing female entrepreneurs with tips and insights that could better help them succeed in a post-COVID landscape.

On the topic of inclusivity, this is also a timely move attributing the fact that there are already multiple instances of female figures taking the lead and creating revolutionary success online, both before and during the pandemic. However, it’s not the same for everybody as certain demographics struggle more than others.

Facebook explains:

“According to our recent Global State of Small Business Report, women-owned businesses face closure rates of 18% in the US compared to their male counterparts at 13%. But despite the obstacles, the resilience and tenacity of women-owned businesses remains high – which is why we want to take time to celebrate them during National Women’s Small Business Month.”

The sessions, in partnership with the National Association Of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) and Intuit Quickbooks, aim to provide inspiration, insight, and education from women-led SMBs that have persevered and continue to lead with confidence over the last 18 months. Get access to the videos here. Most videos run less than 10 minutes and each one contains lessons on effective financial management, business leadership, and a couple of tips and tricks on how you can leverage off of different digital marketing tools to maximize holiday sales.

Prior to the initiative, it’s worth noting that among the business types affected by the pandemic, women-owned small businesses were, in particular, more vulnerable and heavily impacted, just as mentioned by findings directly from the US Chamber of Commerce, as well as testimonies from those aided by the Cherie Blair Foundation For Women. The points highlighted by both reports shed light on the apparent gaps in business opportunity for women in general  as well as the discrepancies that female business owners face both online and in real-life.

The Wrap

Some vulnerabilities were revealed by the pandemic, while others were amplified and made that much more evident. Perhaps, partly in line with that fact, Facebook launched these new sessions in hopes of combating the prevalent issues faced by female business owners to, in a way, gain the support of a specific audience type, while also getting the chance to further expand its offers onto other potential fields.

Nevertheless, speculations aside, there are some key insights and notes to be had here. For one thing, the videos supply female business owners with the specific benefit of finding inspiration on key elements  Female or not, whether you own a business or help in its management, these sessions might be worth tuning-in on, especially now that the holidays are here. Who knows, you might just get some last-minute ideas.

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