Facebook will be taking part in this year’s upcoming mega marketing event, Advertising Week. The event will be held in New York City and will feature a plethora of credible figures, both individuals and groups, to discuss and celebrate the future of advertising. Facebook itself comes prepared with a range of sessions looking at the various aspects of digital marketing as mentioned on their dedicated mini-site.

As outlined on the site, Facebook will offer what are essentially ‘Advertising Week Sessions’ that mainly discuss upcoming trends and marketing insights. Said sessions will be broadcasted via the site and will feature these interesting topics:

  • Exploring New Frontiers Of Creativity

A session featuring Nicky Bell, Vice President of Facebook’s Global Head of Creative Shop, as she discusses how a people-first or people-centric approach shapes the future of marketing.

  • The Future Of Shopping 

A session featuring Gene Alston, Facebook Vice President of Commerce, and Salima Popatia, Senior Vice President of Global Online Customer Acquisition & Retention at the Estee Lauder Companies, in an interview looking at the evolution of live-shopping.

  • The Critical Role Of Creators In Advertising

A session featuring Alvin Bowles, Facebook’s Vice President of Business Ecosystem Partnerships, and Dara Treseder, Peloton’s Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, in a dialogue that touches on the importance and implications of influencers and creators.

Events such as this are great sources of invaluable knowledge that do greatly contribute to the efforts of those just starting out, as well as those who have been in the industry for long. Regardless of if you’re a novice or veteran, online marketing practice is constantly changing, meaning that you have to constantly adjust your strategies in order to keep up with the latest trends.

As we move towards lighter COVID restrictions, it would be interesting, too, to see what expected insight and trends various marketers forecast. More freedom to move about during the holidays opens up new opportunities and we could see massive shifts in behavior as most people will veer away from digital goods in pursuit of more “proximal” leisure such as Christmas getaways and out-of-town reunions.

The Wrap 

Advertising Week is a great opportunity to gain essential knowledge of current and expected key trends. You’ll be able to glean all manner of information about more creative approaches, evolving eCommerce landscapes, creative forecasts, influencer marketing, and so much more.

As usage-trends show the evolution of social media platform use, you get a clearer understanding as to which platforms are viable for what purpose; for example, if you want to generate more leads, use Instagram. Likewise, if you want higher ad revenue, then you can equally rely on both Facebook and YouTube. In the end, it reminds you that social media is really just a big virtual food web.

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