LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, has recently unveiled significant updates to its content distribution algorithm, ushering in a new era for users to reconsider their posting strategies. In a recent interview on Entrepreneur’s “Problem Solvers” podcast, LinkedIn’s editor in chief Dan Roth and senior director of engineering Tim Jurka shed light on these transformative changes, offering valuable insights for maximizing performance on the platform.

Shifting Focus: From Timeliness to Evergreen Value

One of the pivotal shifts in LinkedIn’s algorithm is its emphasis on maximizing value over timeliness. Rather than content disappearing from feeds after a few days, LinkedIn aims to extend the shelf life of valuable posts by identifying and highlighting them as “suggested posts” to relevant audiences. This strategic move aligns with LinkedIn’s mission to connect professionals worldwide to economic opportunities through niche, valuable content tailored to their specific interests.

Quality Over Trends: A Paradigm Shift

In contrast to the trend-chasing approach prevalent in other social platforms, LinkedIn encourages users to prioritize sharing in-depth insights and knowledge over following posting trends. Roth advocates for a focus on sharing expertise, assuring users that consistency in delivering valuable content will yield positive results over time. This signifies a departure from conventional wisdom, urging users to delve deeper into their subject matter expertise rather than chasing fleeting trends.

Combatting Clickbait: A New Algorithmic Approach

LinkedIn’s crackdown on clickbait tactics marks a significant departure from past practices. The platform no longer rewards posts that employ clickbait techniques, such as ‘broetry’ – posts with intentional line breaks prompting users to click for the full content. Roth clarifies that LinkedIn no longer considers “read more” clicks as positive engagement signals, signaling a clear stance against deceptive engagement tactics.

Redefining Profiles and CTAs

In addition to algorithmic changes, LinkedIn is revamping user profiles and call-to-action (CTA) options. Custom CTA buttons, previously exclusive to “Creator Mode,” are now accessible to all LinkedIn members. Furthermore, LinkedIn is phasing out the term ‘creator,’ acknowledging that most members identify more closely with their professional titles. The introduction of new CTA options, including “Subscribe to My Newsletter,” reflects LinkedIn’s commitment to enhancing user engagement and networking opportunities.

Looking Ahead: Expanding Newsletter Offerings

LinkedIn’s plans to expand its newsletter product underscore its commitment to providing diverse content opportunities for users. This initiative aligns with the platform’s broader strategy of promoting valuable, informative content and fostering meaningful professional connections.

Crafting an Effective LinkedIn Strategy

In light of these updates, users can refine their LinkedIn strategies to align with the platform’s evolving priorities. Repurposing evergreen content, leveraging professional expertise, and adopting authentic engagement practices are key considerations for maximizing visibility and impact on the platform.


LinkedIn’s algorithmic updates signal a paradigm shift in content distribution, emphasizing quality, relevance, and authenticity. By understanding and adapting to these changes, users can unlock the full potential of the platform to advance their professional goals and expand their professional networks.