LinkedIn has recently published its latest ‘Brand to Buyer’ technology marketing report, which looks at how tech brands are researching new purchases, and the factors that hold the biggest influence within their process. The report incorporates responses from over 2,000 tech decision-makers, and 2,100 marketers, providing valuable insights into evolving mindsets and trends within the sector, which could help inform your strategic planning.

Mapping Your Marketing

Before we dive into the details, you can download LinkedIn’s full, 32-page report here. So, to start, LinkedIn notes that tech budgets are increasing. In particular, IT consultancy services have ‘significantly increased’ by as much as 36%. This makes sense, given the rate of change in tech, with new advances like AI and the Metaverse prompting a lot of businesses to consider how they can build for the future.

Also worth noting, from a marketing perspective, is that there’s a significant opportunity to reach these businesses with relevant solutions, aligned with these concerns. Most businesses are now investing in the future, and that could lead to a range of new possibilities.

The report also looks at how tech marketers are aiming to connect with buyers and their most popular means of communication for their messages. Based on the report, SEO and Social Media Marketing remain key focus elements, while white papers and trade shows are in decline. Also worth noting – the use of marketing automation tools is on the rise.

“Technology marketers are supporting their increasingly digital activities by upping their use of marketing automation tools, which now account for a growing proportion of marketing budgets. When asked to identify the marketing activities that account for the largest proportion of their budgets, 28% ranked automation tools second out of twenty activities, behind only social media advertising.”

The research also looks at how to best communicate with tech buyers and the key elements that can improve messaging.

“Technology buyers told us in no uncertain terms that content needs to be useful, clear, and easy to understand – and this is where B2B marketers are mostly getting it right. But our research also shows the importance of content being relevant and credible – and here there is some room for improvement.”

The Wrap

LinkedIn’s report also includes insights into where tech buyers are seeking information – with Social Media coming out on top. As always, LinkedIn has some interesting insights, which could help to inform your outreach strategy, ensuring that you’re aligning with how decision-makers come to their buying outcomes. If you work in the sector, then it’s worth checking out and seeing what you can adjust to further refine your approach.
