LinkedIn has several ad options to choose from, but which one is the best for your brand?

Using the power of pollsSocial Media Today wanted to get some insights as to what audiences believed is the best ad option for delivering the best results for their business. Taking from a small sample of 410 respondents, the immediate results brought a couple of interesting findings.


Based directly on the results, the majority of the respondents, 42% to be precise, believe that ‘Simple Image Ads’ have been the best-performing LinkedIn ad option, at least for them and their client’s respective businesses. Despite an increase in the general consumption of online video, ‘Video Ads’ only took the number two spot at 32% of the total responses, followed by ‘Promoted Text Posts’. ‘Other’ or unorthodox ad options came in last at 12%, indicating that people are more likely to engage with tried and known ad options, instead of utilizing novelty ad strategies.

However, of those ‘Other’ options, respondents were quick to note that Carousel ads had been effective, at least for some, while polls generally produced strong engagement. This survey indicates single image ads remain the clear leader for most marketers, which is interesting considering that LinkedIn itself claims that video ads are its best-performing ad options, based on its aggregate statistics.

According to LinkedIn’s data its users are 20x more likely to share a video on the platform than any other type of post, with response rates for its video ad products steadily rising over time. LinkedIn further says that video ads, on average, receive around 2x higher engagement and 3.5x higher CVR for B2B brands compared to static posts. These all make for pretty compelling statistics that would go against the poll’s findings.

Either way, at best, generalized stats are not considered universal and the efficiency of these different mediums still mainly rely on the strategies of individual brands. Likewise, results won’t represent a very large portion of LinkedIn users since 410 is pretty negligible for a platform with around 800 million users.

The Wrap

The results may be well worth considering. Whenever it comes to choosing the ‘best’ option, what’s really the best is the one that gets you the highest values for the lowest cost in terms of both effort and money, which, again, will be different for each brand. In the end, what we all get are insights into trends and behaviors, which are the factors that we need to consider when crafting our strategies and approaches.

If we better understand what users and potential clients are more into, we can leverage our efforts to be more in line with user interests. For example, suppose we were to cater to an audience of photography enthusiasts, while you’d think that single image ads would do the best, which they probably would. In that case, you’d be surprised at what you can achieve if you use a combination of both videos and still image ads.

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