By now, you should’ve at least heard of the ‘Crying CEO’ LinkedIn post, right? This post has gotten so viral that it almost feels mean to keep highlighting it specifically. The post, which has now garnered major media attention, has once again shined a spotlight on the level of cringe LinkedIn posts can have, which often feel so staged and artificial that they go against the ethos of Social Media entirely. The focus of such posts is to clearly get more likes and engagement, as opposed to just wanting to share particularly substantial information.

Sensational Sweep

You know what they say – if you can’t beat them, join them. If you want to join the ranks of LinkedIn’s ‘Thinkfluencers’ and share your purportedly deep thoughts on the latest happenings, then this new app might just be the ticket you’re looking for.

Developer Tom Orbach has created a new ‘Viral Post Generator’ for LinkedIn, which makes use of machine learning, based on thousands of viral LinkedIn posts, to provide you with customized LinkedIn thought pieces, attuned to your inputs. To generate your own titillating LinkedIn post, You simply need to add in what you’ve done, along with any inspirational advice that you’d want to share. You can even select the cringe level of your post, which mainly affects how much of an ‘ugly’ face viewers will make upon seeing your post. The app then spits out a viral LinkedIn post, based on the numerous other examples that the tool has morphed into templates.

It’s a bit concerning how accurate the tool is and how similar the posts that it churns out are when compared to actual LinkedIn updates. You can also keep re-running the app as many times as you’d like to find the perfect post, which you can then screenshot and share, which includes clear ‘ViralPostGenerator’ tags. Alternatively, you could just also copy the text to LinkedIn to assist in your mission of becoming the app’s next top thought leader.

That probably won’t make LinkedIn too happy, since it’s currently out trying to amplify the top creators in the app. Enough viral LinkedIn posts get replicated and re-posted as is, so using this app may end up being better than the current process many already use, which see the exact same things shared over and over again.

The Wrap

In the end, LinkedIn still prefers originality over AI-generated ‘think’ pieces – they do look very much like actual LinkedIn posts though, to be honest. While we don’t condone the use of automated tools for Social Media posts, the rubbish posts put together by this app are clearly for comedic purposes and not for the sake of expanding thought leadership via automation. It’s not hard to imagine LinkedIn users just trying the tool out to see what happens. Those that do gain traction simply for trying are real lucky.

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