LinkedIn’s big ‘Spark’ professional development event is coming back for its second year in a row, featuring a range of speakers on key topics designed to help LinkedIn members maximize their success. LinkedIn has been ramping up its pushes over the last two years, gaining itself a fair amount of progress and added traction, which only spells good news for the world’s largest professional network.

For a little context, LinkedIn launched its ‘Spark’ Conference Series in February of last year, featuring prominent thought leaders and industry experts as special guests to give talks and workshops on various trends and changes, some of which have been greatly impacted by the pandemic. Safe to say, attendees came in the thousands last year, which likely says something about the scale of this year’s event.

Sparking-up 2022

The conference will be held on Tuesday, March 15 at 12PM ET, which will feature the theme ‘Your Moment Won’t Wait’.

As LinkedIn explains:

“In our 60-minute interactive broadcast on LinkedIn Live, we’re going to challenge you and give you the tools to grow, thrive, and breakthrough in this crazy world we’re living in. We’ll show you how LinkedIn’s unique insights will help you build lasting relationships – despite these times of uncertainty.”

Under this new banner, which is a reference to the relative ‘stasis’ we’ve all been in over the past two years, 2022’s Spark conference is set to focus on three key themes, mainly:

  • Navigating A New World – Moving beyond the pandemic, or at least transitioning from it and the chaos it has caused for the last two years, the professional landscape has drastically changed, requiring new methods of exploration and participation.

  • Your Data-Driven Roadmap – The challenge now lies in knowing what to do with all the data available at your fingertips. More data and insight offer even more opportunities, provided you know how to effectively utilize them.

  • The Relationship Game – LinkedIn will share best practices and tools to help users and members maximize their professional relationships to improve career opportunities.

The vent will run via LinkedIn Live and will feature yet another roster of respective guests, including Hollywood A-list actor Ryan Reynolds, who recently joined LinkedIn.

The Wrap

If it’s even just half as good as last year’s Spark, then it’ll be worth tuning into. Either way, not many platforms have been able to analyze and branch out possible future paths from the pandemic as effectively as LinkedIn has, cementing its position as the premier thought-leadership platform online. Besides, Ryan Reynolds will be speaking, isn’t that reason enough to attend?

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