June is Pride Month! That means that you should expect your social media feeds to be way more colorful than usual, as both people and brands show their support using the rainbow Pride flag in various ways. The use of the flag has become so prominent that some have even grown skeptical about its supposed ‘corporate adoption’. It’s important to note such with regards to your own Pride celebrations.

LinkedIn notes that:

“The question isn’t should your brand talk about Pride Month. Instead, it’s how your brand should show up in a sensitive, informed, and helpful way.”

Raise the Colors!

Ensuring that you approach Pride Month in an empathic, authentic, and creative way is key to contributing to the event, as opposed to simply using it as a means to get additional traction. It’s important that brands use the celebration to fuel their internal Pride initiatives and not just ‘tokenize’ the discussion.

And Pride discussions are definitely on the rise. True enough, LinkedIn’s data shows that there’s been a strong increase in global company updates using Pride keywords over time. As such, LinkedIn created a visual overview showing the top industries and regions engaging with Pride-related content, as well as the most effective keywords for facilitating broader discussion.

Wanting to make a statement this Pride Month and show off your support? Then it might be worth taking note of LinkedIn’s pointers and stats and including them in your messaging! Read more on the full overview here.

  • LinkedIn reports a 177% increase in company updates and a 111% increase in engagements relating to ‘Pride’ keywords between 2020 and 2021.

  • Surprisingly, at the very top of major industries observed, Technology & Services showed a 28% increase in posting content with Pride keywords.

  • Brazil tops the ranks of the 10 most engaging countries with posts with ‘Pride’ keywords on LinkedIn at a rate of 30 AvgEng/post.

  • Using any of the top 10 Sponsored Post Hashtags yields around twice as much engagement on LinkedIn, with non-sponsored posts still experiencing around 24% more engagement using the same Hashtags.

The Wrap

Known as one of the pillars of inclusive social approaches, it makes sense for LinkedIn to have data on these kinds of initiatives. As a known thought leader, investing in ways to involve and reach out to less-represented and acknowledged communities speaks loads about its authenticity, which, in turn, is gradually becoming a core trait that most people look for when gauging a platform’s ‘coolness’.

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