LinkedIn has been experiencing a lot of growth lately. If you’re looking to increase your reach and potentially seize more marketing opportunities that involve numerous business decision-makers, then LinkedIn is a platform to consider. LinkedIn just published a new 25-page guide about LinkedIn marketing for wealth marketing firm marketers.


Though fairly niche, these new LinkedIn insights provide a couple of great tips for brands in the wealth management space, while simultaneously highlighting the potential for connection among LinkedIn’s broader audience. For example, the guide states that Tax and Legal advice is the highest sought-after product/service by investors, topping responses at 22%

In addition, the guide also includes more universally valuable notes on LinkedIn usage, such as the number of company Feed posts, post reach, and other general yet vital statistics that highlight the strength of marketing reach present on the platform. Some of these are even first-time insights, adding all the more to their impact and prompting those looking to maximize their LinkedIn efforts to do so now.

To be fair, LinkedIn engagement is difficult to come by, especially upon its acquisition by Microsoft back in 2016. This eliminated the need for it to continuously publish performance stats. Instead, usage data has been integrated into Microsoft’s quarterly reports, which doesn’t really give LinkedIn’s numbers justice.

This is why these notes are so interesting. Meanwhile, LinkedIn also shared insights on how its members value insights from business leaders. Compared to other platforms, users weigh in LinkedIn’s insights at a confidence level of 71% There’s also demographic information, comparing LinkedIn’s audience to that of other platforms. The charts are all in the guide, but the overall numbers basically point to LinkedIn audience members as having an edge in terms of growth. Across the board, it was generally ‘Greener’ for LinkedIn audiences.

All in all, these are potentially valuable notes to aid in your strategic LinkedIn planning, helping you better map out a process for connecting with the right audiences. Though we’re not sure how much this would matter to you personally, there’s also a note on cryptocurrencies, further tapping into emerging trends.

The Wrap

The data provides additional perspective on the broader LinkedIn audience, adding potential value in expanded targeting and connection. Either way, even if you aren’t up to speed with LinkedIn’s processes, the tools are more than sufficient to help you achieve that much-wanted breakthrough.

While the main focus of the new guide is financial services firms and wealth planners, the notes mentioned are conducive to total LinkedIn planning, meaning that you get a little extra if you happen to also be focusing on the two aforementioned audience profiles, while still getting something even if you’re not.

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