With 2023 now officially here, just what is ‘the right track’, and how do we get on it? Well, this could help – LinkedIn recently shared an overview of how to establish your vision for the year ahead, along with the key areas of your life you wish to see improvement. LinkedIn’s 5-step process, first outlined by LinkedIn’s ‘In the Arena’ podcast, aims to help users get a clearer view of what they’re looking to achieve, and how to build a more positive mental approach to align with their vision.

Mental Fortitude

Needless to say, it’s effective. Vision boards and digital journals have slowly overtaken all approaches that aim to focus mental energy. These processes do prompt you to reflect on the things that are truly important and how to go about them. It’s at least worth a quick look. 

The Three Qs

The three Qs mean ‘Quiet, Questions, and Quick Actions’. The first element, quietness, is as its name implies – you should find a bit of silence in your life, away from the noise and turbulence associated with technology. Go on a walk, chill at a park, and just let your mind wander, just don’t forget to leave your phone behind. Next, ask yourself some key life questions, such as how you think you’re doing when it comes to your career, physical fitness, and finances. Perform a little introspection and see where and how you can improve. Lastly, quick actions are, well, quick actions – a series of things you can do to resolve or at least further the goals you’ve identified. 

For additional and more in-depth tips, LinkedIn encourages you to check out its In the Arena podcast. If LinkedIn is to be lauded for anything, it’s its ability to gather, analyze, and impart insights for the growth of the many professionals that call it home. 

The Wrap

News-wise, it’s not the lengthiest nor is it the most complicated topic, but that’s also what makes it a good piece. Because the year has just started, there are plenty of opportunities to try out new approaches or establish completely new methods and frameworks to progress your objectives. Likewise, the New Year also marks a new starting point to observe expected trends and shifts. 

If you plan to make LinkedIn a bigger focus this year, then this guide will help make your start all the more directed and, hopefully, as a result, more successful. For one thing, LinkedIn may not be as big as Facebook or as popular as TikTok, but when it comes to career assessment tools and thought leadership, no other platform even comes close.

