Here’s an early win for all of you who eagerly await LinkedIn’s annual publications and releases – LinkedIn has published its 2023 Workplace Learning Report, which looks at the key shifts in workplace skills development, based on internal and survey data among LinkedIn members. LinkedIn’s 52-page report covers loads of key trends, and we’ll be looking at some of the most notable highlights.

Pro Trends

To start, the report looks at key shifts in learning and development, and how organizations are shifting L&D budgets this 2023. LinkedIn mapped out 4 key areas of L&D, mainly:

  1. Aligning Learning Programs to Business Goals

  2. Upskilling Employees

  3. Creating a Culture of Learning

  4. Improving Employee Retention

LinkedIn’s data shows that 93% of organizations are concerned about employee retention, with many now looking to learning and development opportunities as a key to keeping staff. On top of this, there are also workplace opportunities, such as career advancement and hybrid work models, that have also become key considerations. Providing newer pathways to upskill, as job roles and their associated skills continue to change, is a key focus for most, moving forward.

One aspect of the report touches on another of its major publications – the ‘Most In-Demand Skills’, which are based on recent LinkedIn job listings. The results can be filtered by role or by industry, offering some very specific and highly personalized insights.

There are also insights into how younger workers view developmental elements and benefits, where opportunities for career growth is the biggest driver for those aged between 18 and 34, tying with the element ‘challenging and impactful work’ for those aged 50 and over; both averaging at 35%. Meanwhile, there are also tips for businesses on how they can further maximize their L&D efforts this year, which lists 10 key program areas that businesses can focus on. Of these 10, the top spot goes to ‘Mentorship’, emphasizing the pivotal essence of learning from established experts and known figures in the field.

The Wrap

These are some interesting notes and insights, which could just help better guide your approach and strategy when it comes to employee training and retention. Listing was kind enough to include a listing of some of the top LinkedIn Learning courses you can take to further hone in on key areas of demand, providing a more direct pathway to address these elements in your planning. We’d say it’s a must-read for anyone in the HR field, pro or otherwise.
