Here’s an interesting digital marketing addition for Instagram – they just added a new ‘Lead Form’ option in your Instagram for Business profile action buttons that aims to provide new ways to generate a direct response from your in-app business presence. You can now select an ‘Add Lead Form’ button on your profile, on top of three other existing CTA buttons. You can choose either a standard data collection CTA, or add custom questions to guide further queries.

Click It!

The process enables you to choose multiple-choice or short-answer responses, providing another means to glean more insight from your profile visitors. It could be a good way to further qualify interest coming from the app, and gather more information for follow-up and planning.

For marketing in general, a ‘Call to Action’ (CTA) is a commonly used tool that prompts users to an immediate response, but mostly, to influence a potentially immediate sale. On Social Media, you can imagine how important such an element is for increasing your reach and brand awareness. A simple button or phrase could be the equivalent of hundreds, even thousands, of new followers.

For example, you could use these queries to better segment and prioritize queries, or as a simple way to express more of your brand persona and imagery, possibly engaging more users in the app. CTAs can also help you gather information about your business, such as how people heard about you, whether would they recommend you, etc.

It’s not clear whether this is a test, because while more users are seeing the option in the app, it’s not listed on Instagram’s official overview of Action Buttons just yet. Either way, more business users do indeed now have the option, and it could be worth checking your Instagram CTA options, as well as considering how you can use it.

The Wrap

Because of the scarcity of current information and the relative newness of the option, we don’t have the required data and insights yet to accurately gauge the would-be effectiveness of this new add-on. However, perhaps if you’re to base on what is known about CTAs in other fields, a close enough hypothesis could be formed, which suggests that CTAs do, for the most part, lead to positive results. Why not add to the test pool? If you see the option available to you, then you might as well try it out; you’ll never know if a gamble would pay off if you don’t bet, right?
