In a recent live recording of Meta’s creator podcast “Close Friends Only,” Instagram brought high-profile creators together to share their insights and strategies for building and engaging audiences on the platform. Recorded at VidCon, this session featured Reece Feldman and actor Storm Reid, who provided valuable tips on leveraging Instagram for personal and professional growth.

Key Takeaways from the Live Podcast

The live session at VidCon offered a unique opportunity for creators to learn directly from successful influencers about maximizing their impact on Instagram. Although many tips shared were general, such as utilizing new features as they are released and the effectiveness of carousels for engagement, the insights provided a comprehensive view of how top creators navigate the platform.

  1. Engagement Through New Features 

Reece Feldman and Storm Reid emphasized the importance of staying updated with Instagram’s latest features. Using new tools and functionalities as they become available can keep content fresh and engaging, helping to attract and retain followers.

  1. Utilizing Carousels 

Carousels, which allow multiple images or videos in a single post, were highlighted as particularly effective for engagement. By telling a story or providing a more in-depth look at a subject, carousels can capture users’ attention and encourage them to spend more time on a post.

Celebrity Influence and Audience Building

The insights from “Close Friends Only” often reflect the unique advantages that celebrities have, such as an existing fan base and greater visibility outside of Instagram. For instance, Renee Rapp and Rachel Sennott have shared their experiences in previous episodes, illustrating how their fame contributes significantly to their Instagram success.

While these discussions offer valuable perspectives, it’s essential to recognize that not all strategies may be directly applicable to creators without celebrity status. However, the general principles of engagement, consistency, and leveraging new features remain relevant for all users.

Tips for Non-Celebrity Creators

For creators without the advantage of existing fame, the podcast still offers several actionable strategies:

  1. Consistency 

Regular posting and maintaining a consistent theme or aesthetic can help build a recognizable and reliable presence on Instagram. Consistency helps followers know what to expect and can foster a stronger connection with the audience.

  1. Authenticity 

Being genuine and authentic in posts and interactions can significantly impact audience loyalty. Sharing personal stories, challenges, and successes can make creators more relatable and trustworthy.

  1. Engagement with Followers 

Interacting with followers through comments, direct messages, and live sessions can build a sense of community. Responding to feedback and showing appreciation for followers’ support can enhance engagement and loyalty.

  1. Collaborations 

Collaborating with other creators can introduce content to new audiences. Joint ventures, shout-outs, and guest appearances can help in cross-promoting content and expanding reach.

Utilizing Instagram’s Tools for Growth

Instagram provides various tools and features designed to help creators grow their presence:

  1. Analytics 

Instagram Insights offer valuable data on follower demographics, engagement rates, and post performance. Analyzing this data can help creators understand what works and what doesn’t, allowing them to refine their strategies.

  1. Reels and IGTV 

Short-form videos through Reels and longer content via IGTV can cater to different audience preferences. Diversifying content types can attract a broader audience and keep existing followers engaged.

  1. Stories and Highlights 

Stories offer a way to share more ephemeral content, while Highlights allow creators to keep important stories accessible on their profiles. These features can be used to share behind-the-scenes content, promotions, and personal moments, enhancing overall engagement.


Instagram’s “Close Friends Only” podcast provides a platform for top creators to share their experiences and strategies, offering valuable insights for anyone looking to grow their presence on the platform. While some tips may be more applicable to those with existing fame, the principles of engagement, authenticity, and consistency are universally relevant. By staying updated with new features and leveraging Instagram’s various tools, creators can effectively build and engage their audience, ensuring sustained growth and success on the platform.