Are you looking to try a couple of new approaches when it comes to Instagram marketing? This should help – Instagram’s team has published an updated overview of the different ad formats available in the app, along with notes on when and why to use each, and some formatting pointers.

Format According to…

If anything, these various formats could prompt you to think about your Instagram promotions, and what best suits your needs. You can check out more information about Meta’s various ad options here.

So, to start, the overview states that there are five primary Meta ad formats:

  • Images

  • Video

  • Carousel

  • Instant Experience

  • Collection

What’s more, the infographic opens by saying that choosing the right Meta ad format can make or break your ad performance, which is often the case in situations where there are multiple types of the same thing. In this sense, the variance does allow Meta ads to be tailored to a brand’s particular theme, leading to higher relatability and relevance.

Image Ads

Images are timeless and are among the first media formats that took over the young internet, and they still play a significant role in advertising today. Image ads are good for showing off products, announcing promos or sales, and increasing brand awareness.

Video Ads

Video is currently the top-performing content format across various fronts, and ads are no exception. Videos do well when it comes to capturing attention, making this a good format to introduce your brand and highlight your unique offers.

Carousel Ads

Image carousels gained popularity as digital advertising slowly grew. So far, on sites like Instagram and Pinterest, Carousel Ads do wonders for improving conversion rates.

Instant Experience Ads

One of the newer Meta ad formats. Instant Experience ads are good for highlighting multiple products/services, as well as increasing engagement through more interactive ads.

Collection Ads

As the name suggests, this ad format is basically like presenting a digital brochure. Collection ads are great for showcasing your entire business catalog in one ad, encouraging multiple purchases, and essentially summarizing every other ad type, summing up all of their individual benefits.

The Wrap

These are relatively simple formats, and additional information on each is available on Meta and its family of apps. Overall, it’s a good guide for marketers and advertisers to realize that there are various available options for them to better market their brands, allowing both newbies and veterans alike to make the most out of Meta and its wide array of tools and features.
