After months of internal testing, Instagram is launching a live test of its new collaborative posts option. Collaborative Instagram carousel posts will allow other users to contribute to carousel Feed posts, providing a new in-app engagement option. If Instagram is working toward solidifying its collaborative offerings, then this is the way to go. Carousels have already proven their effectiveness. Bridging the relative popularity of carousel posts with Instagram’s natural reach presents several opportunities.


Based on official examples, collaborative Instagram carousel posts will enable users to allow others to submit carousel-includable photos or videos. So, if a picture is from, say, a party, you can ask others to add their own takes, thus creating a collaborative collection.

As seen in this overview, which was spotted in testing back in July, the original creator can approve or reject submissions. Likewise, these posts will only exist on the creator’s timeline. Each addition will display the individual contributors’ handle as well as the post-creation date.

It could be a good way to encourage more in-stream engagement and interaction. That is part of Instagram’s broader push to lean into collaborative posting options. Earlier this month, Instagram also added the ability to share a Story with multiple group lists simultaneously. Adding to that, Instagram also recently added the capacity to share Feed posts with only Close Friends.

These types of more collaborative, group-engagement-aligned options lean into the way people increasingly interact in the app. More specifically, options like these help break down why people opt more for private interactions over public posting. Instagram is riding the collaboration trend well. If it can build a strong enough foundation to support more in-app partnerships, then Instagram may yet take the lead.

The Wrap

That said, it makes sense for Instagram to look more at direct engagement options. That could be a good way to encourage more in-app participation. Furthermore, it also gives Instagram more insight into who its users’ close connections are, which helps define discovery. If you are big on collaborations and are eager to explore the opportunities on Instagram, then look forward to this. Collaborative Instagram carousel posts are currently in testing and are available for only select users. 
