Google’s said to be adding new predictive elements to Google Ads Insights that utilizes both historical data and machine learning in order to predict likely consumer trends that’s specific to your niche.

The new trend predictions are still in beta, and are currently only accessible through the Insights page in Google Ads. Depending on their accuracy, which we will only be able to determine once they actually enter the launch phase, they could become a significant addition for your planning and strategizing.

Google’s Crystal Ball

Starting things off, Google’s been testing demand forecasts, which provides estimations on likely search interest for your products over the next 6 months. Google goes on further to explain:

“Let’s say you’re a beauty retailer. You might see a prediction that search interest in “perfumes & fragrances” will start to trend in the middle of November with an increase of 27%. Interest then peaks to 93% on Black Friday and tapers off in the following weeks. To help you understand this forecast, you’ll see trendlines for predicted search interest, actual search interest, and your clicks (the amount of traffic you’ve already received from this trend).”

From the statement, we can surmise that a lot rides on the accuracy of these predictions, as well as how honed they can be, depending on whatever your offerings are. However, on the plus side, since this’ll make use of historic search data as their base, demand forecasts stand to be strong indicators of coming shifts, which could, in turn, provide you with valuable guidance upon which you can build your marketing strategy and planning.

Google is also testing a new Consumer Interest Insight element, which simply aggregates the top-performing query themes that drive the most performance within your campaigns. The consumer Interest Insight report shows the number of people who search for each theme, the overall growth of each element, and will even provide you with performance recommendations.

All in all, the new insights tools could prove to be hugely valuable in mapping better strategies, depending on available data and how accurately it would reflect rising/emerging trends. Over the last two years, trend identification would have been difficult, given how consumption habits constantly changed. Overtime, however, expect such prediction to be indicative of shifting focus behavioral indicators.

To close, Google’s also testing out audience insights, which aims to provide you with more information regarding your customers’ interests, including the creative they most respond to.

The Wrap

This update really ups your game when it comes to the provision of indicative data whose sole purpose is to help you maximize their campaigns. It’ll obviously take time and effort before such functionality becomes pristine and fully operational, but nonetheless will prove to be powerful tools that will only help expand your marketing efforts.

Google notes that it’s launching these 3 new elements to Google Ads over the coming weeks, which is rather timely since the holidays are here and new behaviors and trends are just ripe for the taking.

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