Have you ever had a celebrity reply or react to one of your Tweets? Or maybe you just want to highlight this one great response that garnered a lot of attention? Regardless of the motive, soon, you’ll be able to showcase these top replies with a new ‘Pin Reply’ option that’s currently in testing at Tweet HQ. Based on the latest discovery by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong, this is pretty close to an actual release.

Nearing Takeoff

According to her report, Wong had discovered a new introductory screen for pinning a Tweet reply, which explains the basics of the process. Wong also discovered the initial test of the option back in May, posting examples of reply pinning in action.

Based on those examples, with ‘Pin Replies’, you’ll be able to tap on the three dots menu on a response, then keep that reply at the top of the thread, maximizing exposure for that specific interaction. As noted, this could be good for highlighting celebrity engagement or to help highlight the best responses to your Tweets. It can also be a means for brands to help enhance community engagement by inviting the most creative replies, then pinning the best response. At least for a text-based platform like Twitter, pinning sounds more of a logically supplemental element that actually contributes to adding context and improving discovery, as opposed to simply just putting the spotlight on something you can flex on.

But really, the main impetus here is adding another control element to your Tweet experience. Twitter has added a range of tools on this front over the past year, from reply controls to Communities to users being able to literally ‘eject’ themselves from a Tweet conversation. Despite these, Twitter continues to work to give users even more capacity to manage how they engage and interact in the app, with pinned replies adding another small improvement in this context.

The Wrap

Will it be a huge change? Probably not. Is it a ‘Game-changer’? Also unlikely. Then again, the real game-changers are often things that were never specifically defined as game-changers from the start. For the most part, what it will be is another element to experiment with, possibly providing a variety of ways to utilize the option within your Tweet process.

Pinning isn’t a revolutionary process by any means, at least, it no longer is, but it still does provide good opportunities to greatly improve visibility and engagement every now and then. Pinning was introduced for a reason and, at least in Twitter’s case, pinning might actually do better than, say, how it did on Facebook. Though it’s not yet here, it’s worth considering. Stay tuned for updates regarding its release.

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