What SEO techniques have you utilized for your business this year? Did you even utilize SEO at all? If not, then you have been missing out on a lot of potential growth. In case you wanted to catch up, a team from SMB Services created an infographic on the latest SEO trends. SEO is a big part of online advertising, making it worthwhile to check out the top 5 online SEO trends.

Search All You Can

As per SMB Services’s infographic, the top 5 online SEO trends to try out are:

  • Humanized AI-Generated Content.

  • Google’s People-First Content Guidelines.

  • Long-Tail Keywords.

  • Quality Over Quantity.

  • User Experience Optimization.

SMB Services’s guide also includes points regarding AI integration and how AI will enhance the human experience. According to the SMB’s guide, the future of SEO involves three things, mainly:

Personalize Content

AI can be an effective profiling tool that can analyze user behavior and preferences. Personalized content will help improve the user experience and boost SEO rankings.

Timely & Productive

Even without AI, timeliness and productivity are crucial performance elements. On that note, you can use AI to write engaging and informative content. Investing in AI saves you time and money on content creation, without sacrificing quality.

Search Engine Optimized

AI helps analyze search engine results pages (SERPs), identifying keywords that are most likely to drive website traffic. If you have better results, then you can have better rankings.

All in all, SMB Services did well in highlighting each element, further breaking things down for viewers to understand. These trends are based on recent observations from various businesses. As SMB Services notes, those that adapt these trends would be ‘well positioned to succeed’.

The Wrap

SEO will always be a core component of online marketing. It is an often overlooked step that makes up the majority of your digital business performance. With the online landscape in constant flux, these top 5 online SEO trends should help you get your bearings. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, then you have to keep evolving with the latest technologies.

