So, you fancy yourself a Social Media Manager, eh? Step back for a minute and think: “Just what exactly makes for an exemplary Social Media Manager?” What skills and traits are associated with being a Social Media Manager that would qualify as ‘the best’? You see, the difficulty with questions like these is that unless there’s at least one, undisputed prime example, the best is always subjective. However, while perfection remains elusive, there are ways wherein you can at least be very, very proficient in the role. 

Five, Like Your Fingers

To try and help this ageless debate, a team from Emplifi recently dropped the question to the one and only Social Media main man, Matt Navarra, who’s probably one of the biggest names in the space; the big-boi of big-bois, if you will. As such, Matt, of all people, would have the ideal perspective on what works and what it takes to maximize your opportunities on Social Media. 

So, based on Matt’s wise words, there are five best kinds of Social Media Managers: 

  • Multi-Taskers

  • Web Culture Aficionados

  • Storytellers

  • Risk Takers

  • Amateur Psychologists

Do you agree with what he says? Are any of these true in any way for you? At first glance, it seems that a prerequisite to being the ideal Social Media Manager requires you to at least have a Liberal Arts in Communication degree, but really, these are skills that can be self-taught or undertaken with a mentor or coach. Fortunately, Matt’s sharing is complemented by an infographic, courtesy of Emplifi, of course. If you want to check out the full interview, you can do so here. Meanwhile, let’s try and further break down each of these manager types. 


What else can be said? These are people who enjoy doing a lot of things at once, which is near-constant on Social Media. If you like watching Netflix while streamlining your Instagram and LinkedIn profile elements, while cooking lunch, then you’re in the making to be a great Social Media Manager.

Web Culture Aficionados

Those teetering on obsession with the whole Social Media culture are unicorns – catch them on the spot!


Who doesn’t enjoy a good story? Even more so, people who make for really compelling and relatable storytellers also make for good Social Media Managers. 

Risk Takers

Firestarters and people with certain explosive personalities make for awesome Social Media Managers. They’re good at getting people’s attention and will literally give your socials life 24/7. Boring and normal are not options for these people.

Amateur Psychologists

Those that understand how the human mind works have an expansive arsenal of how to push buttons and pull levers, making them among the most proficient of manager types. If you’re looking for solid all-arounders, these people are your best bet.

The Wrap

If you fall into at least one of these five types, then you might just be the next biggest Social Media Manager. Job demands and careers are shifting so if you’ve not yet reviewed what you like doing and what you would need to do to keep food on the table, then this just might be the perfect opportunity. 
