While X and Meta go about parading what they believe verification is (and should be), Reddit decided to chime in. Jumping onto the verification bandwagon, Reddit is introducing its new official profile tags, which are visible on some accounts. These new labels act as markers that confirm a user’s identity, similar to Twitter’s blue tick and Meta’s verified badges.

/r Verified

The new official profile tags will show up on profiles that Reddit has communicated with, thus validating their identity. As per Reddit:

“Starting today, redditors may notice a small number of profiles with an “Official” label next to usernames, similar to how Flair appears across a subreddit. This new label is designed to increase transparency and help Redditors, moderators, and communities quickly identify organizations and trust that these users are who they say they are.”

Reddit says that the labels are designed to help increase ‘authentic engagement between organizations and users’ by countering impersonation. It’s essentially a FREE, Reddit-tized version of Meta or Twitter’s verification option.

The marker makes it easier for brands to build a presence on Reddit by responding to product-related comments and questions. Reddit is increasingly becoming a key destination for product research. Providing a way for official brand accounts to interact could help guide user concerns and queries. These new tags bring Reddit up to speed, at least commercially.

Reddit has garnered somewhat of a negative reputation, being called a cesspit of internet rants and weird stories. Despite this, Reddit is a relatively open community where almost anything goes. Recently, however, Reddit has been cleaning up its act, ahead of a potential IPO at some stage. Part of that includes recent API pricing changes, enhancing its business value, but inciting a user revolt. Changing API pricing always affects the smaller developers the most. The inflexibility of Reddit’s management further exacerbates the issue.

The pushback has Reddit taking control of certain communities, likely alienating some of its user segments. Regardless of the consequences, Reddit stands firm, choosing to weather the storm. Unfortunately, updates like this are only likely to fuel concerns about Reddit’s growing commercial direction.

The Wrap

At its core, verification makes sense. Selling verification is not ideal, but commoditizing it gives apps a quick cash grab to help fuel revenue demands. Having official profile tags and markers could help Reddit improve in-app interaction. At the same time, verification improves profile security, combating market research espionage, and potentially trashing unfair competitor-advantage gain.

