When was the first time you ever encountered the acronym ‘SMART’? More often than not, and especially when it comes to anything business-related, experts will always recommend that you create and follow a set of SMART goals. Just what are SMART goals and how do they help form the backbone of operations? Let’s go on a quick refresher, shall we?

SMART to the Core

While SMART has probably been around for quite some time, there have been many iterations of the much lauded principle. For this piece, let’s take the example of SEMRush, who put together this quick overview of SMART goals, and simply laid out what each element means. If you need a little more guidance in refining your approach, then this could come in handy.

As per SEMRush, you should set SMART goals based on these parameters:


In all senses of the word, how specific are your objectives? Make sure that when setting goals, they are specific enough to either solve a problem or pinpoint opportunities.


Always remember the two types of datasets – qualitative and quantitative; if you can gauge the reliability of your attributes based on either of these, then they’re measurable.


Can the information you gather be used to bring about a positive result? If data can help you take action, then it’s actionable. Otherwise, you might just be wasting a lot of effort without much gain.


Does the information help you in any way? Much like with content and branding, your goals should be relevant, helping you and your brand achieve things that are conducive to growth.


Objectives need to have a time-frame. Your goals should help you set specific targets to be met within a limited window. It might look like putting unnecessary pressure on yourself, but such is required if you mean to grow.

The Wrap

We could not have made it any simpler ourselves. It has been touted around out there for years, with practically anyone who’s managed to reach a position of authority posturing that we should always work with SMART goals, and they’re right! If you plan on doing anything, then making sure you work and stay SMART increases your chances of succeeding.

