2022 had its own visual theme, what’s it this time for 2023?

Well, this might help, a team from Deposit Photos has put together a new overview of the key visual trends that they believe will gain big traction throughout the year, which could provide you with some guidance to bring a fresh perspective to your visuals. There are some good tips here, which align with broader industry trends, based on Deposit Photo usage and expert insight. Oh, they also have a full mini-site where you can take a deeper dive into each trend.

Visually Speaking

Consumers will always seek out new experiences. They look forward to engaging with brands that provide an alternate look and inspire others to get going. On that note, this year’s overarching theme is one that transports us to various realities, encouraging constant shifting across them.

Anime Thrill

Nostalgia from Y2K and rapid streaming growth have re-sparked global excitement toward anime. Superpowered characters, enthralling plots, and colorful visual effects offer a great escape from reality.

Back to The Wild

Visuals that tend to focus on more responsible and conscious experiences are expected to be a hit this year. Highlight eco-friendly elements and more natural scenes.

A Wonderful Age

The population of the world continues to age, and businesses have taken notice, thus expanding the scope of their target audiences.

Ethereal World

This year, other expected trends that’ll influence visuals are hazy effects and deep shadows; compelling compositions drawing inspiration from 20th-century magical realism.

Eye on Sustainability

Green technology and Zero-impact ideas are set to gain more eyes this year. If it’s sustainable, it’s editable.

Wellness Upgrade

If there’s one thing that the last two years have taught us, it’s that health is wealth. You can better connect with audiences this year if you include AR- and VR-powered wellness experiences.

A Blast of Joy

Never the wrong time for a dopamine rush. Capture joy and let others see it.

The Wrap

Again, nothing that we haven’t seen before, but these are some of the key visual themes to focus on if you mean to get a lot of traction this year. Visuals play a major role when it comes to branding and marketing, so managing to nail what elements you’ll be using will only help you move forward. Don’t forget to sprinkle a little extra creativity during production!

