Trust is something that’ll always be worth building up. And no, that’s not something that you’d just often read from a romantic novel, but rather a core business virtue that has persevered for years. More trust means more business, and more business is good; if you want to grow, then you have to be a trustworthy brand – something that modern major market segments value greatly. If you’re looking to build trust with potential clients, then you’re in the right place, trust us!

Honest Opinion

Trust has always been an important value, but it might even be a more important commodity. Trust has a major role in business, and perhaps even more so when it comes to Social Media, where practice and opinion frequently collide. In such a wide and highly competitive space, how can one effectively build trust and reputation? Luckily, a team from Chattermill shared their tips for success in a well-put-together infographic.

In Chattermill’s infographic, they’ve identified 6 main ways to best build trust. They are:

  • Be Transparent – Never oversell. 81% of customers say that they must trust the brand to do what is right.

  • Display Reviews – Publish heartfelt, genuine reviews. 79% of people say that they’re greatly influenced by UGC (User Generated Content).

  • Share Core Values – Discuss brand values with a passion. 77% of consumers prefer to purchase from companies to share their values.

  • Treat Your Employees Well – Publicize wins from your entry to mid-level employees. Doing this influences public opinion the most.

  • Own Mistakes – Nothing is perfect. If there were mistakes, owe up to them and apologize. 59% of consumers are influenced by what top company leaders say.

  • Request Feedback – Always ask for feedback after key interactions. Consumers are 36% more likely to leave a review after a positive experience when prompted through email.

The full infographic has more details, but the items themselves aren’t that complicated to begin with. Going back to trust, improving brand trustworthiness also helps net you more loyal customers, who, on average, spend ⅔ more. In fact, 65% of US customers find a positive experience with a brand to be more influential than advertising.

The Wrap 

These are things that most businesses already do, so while there’s not much novelty in the concept that needs to be learned, the real effort comes in the execution. These are specific notes, so following them to the letter should help you attain some much-coveted boons. One thing with trust is that it, too, benefits from consistency over time, so once you begin, make sure you keep going.
