What else, besides gifts, do you find yourselves receiving and opening plenty of during the holidays? Emails, of course! With the holiday season just around the corner, many businesses are doubling up on their marketing efforts in a bid to maximize sales. As such, are you looking for ways to improve your marketing email open rates? If you want to learn how to make content that your subscribers enjoy reading, then this is for you. Check out these 5 email best practices for better open rates!

Show Me What’s Inside

Creating curious, must-open emails can be tricky. Even large brands and companies can encounter challenges when creating highly compelling marketing email campaigns. That is the reason why a team from Lessiter Media created a new infographic to share their marketing tips.

According to Lessiter, the 5 email best practices for better open rates are:

  • Frequency

  • From Line

  • Subject Line

  • Preheader

  • Content

You can view the full infographic here. Meanwhile, let us take a closer look at each element to further gauge its relevance.


Nothing beats consistency. Make sure that your subscribers consistently hear from you. If you send your subscribers an email every Monday of every month, then be sure to maintain that. You can send emails outside of your set time frame, but be sure they are extra special and value-adding.

From Line

People have a higher inclination to open emails from sources they know and trust. Dith those “no-reply” emails as they are impersonal and come off as extremely generic. In the “From” line, include your full name to build a more meaningful relationship with your audience.

Subject Line

The subject line of an email is similar to a newspaper’s headline. When people look at their emails, they often look at the first four to five words of the subject line. Additionally, mobile device users see truncated versions of subject lines over 40 characters. The subject line gives you a brief window of opportunity to grab user attention, so make sure to grab it. Here is a nice format – put the most important information at the front and keep it short and sweet.


If your subject line gets attention, then a strong preheader can help you seal the deal. The preheader text appears next to or below the subject line in your reader’s inbox. The preheader is the first 35 to 100 characters in your email’s body. Check your preheader when testing your email. Avoid using “View in Browser” or “View with Images” as preheaders.


Microsoft founder and one of the G.O.A.T.S. of computers, Bill Gates, once said, “Content is King.” You have put in the work and have closed the gaps: your email has been opened. Despite a successful opening, make sure that the content within is relevant and easy to read. Make your content personal and engaging, and end with a call to action.

The Wrap

Emails are old. Since email has been around for almost as long as the internet has existed, getting people to open it has gotten harder over time. Regardless, there is a way to ensure that you get better open rates. To end, we would like to share with you our version of Lessiter’s infographic. Get email opens for days with these 5 email best practices for better open rates!

