TikTok ain’t the only one with a little something-something for International Women’s Day. On the other edge of the arena, Snapchat has also launched a seasonal AR activation to help celebrate International Women’s Day, which highlights and lauds the achievements of important female figures in French history. Check out this Tweet for more info.

Exclusively Inclusive

The Landmarker Lenses, which will be available in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lille, Strasbourg, Metz, and Nantes, showcase these important female leaders, whose contributions may not be as well-known as those of their male counterparts. As Snap explains:

“While just as many women as men have changed the course of French history, the vast majority of sculptures in French urban spaces only honor male figures. Snap’s AR Studio has thus imagined AR statues of women who have left their mark on French history in the politics, arts, philosophy, and military fields. These AR statues are installed next to the physical statues of their male counterparts, honoring the achievements of these great women and celebrating their contributions to women’s rights and condition in the French society.”

It’s an interesting way to utilize AR elements, highlighting alternative aspects of history, and providing more context and insight for Snap’s predominantly younger audience. It also showcases the potential of AR to expand on reality, seemingly able to bridge gaps in understanding while simultaneously trying to tie into key celebrations, and engage audiences in new ways.

Snapchat has been undisputed in the field of AR and VR, while also maintaining a respective standing in terms of inclusivity and social awareness, which, despite having to scale back some of its plans, keeps it in a rather good position, even pulling ahead of some larger, more capable companies.

Eventually, AR elements will provide a range of extra elements similar to this one, enhancing your real-world view with digital additions that can build upon what’s actually there, as well as facilitate new forms of connection.

The Wrap

Snapchatters can activate these Lenses by going to the relevant statues of male figures, pointing their Snap cams at them, and then activating the ‘8th of March, 8 Women’s Lens’, available in the Lens carousel. Users can also activate ‘mini versions’ of the Lenses by scanning the QR code found here. Again, it may not be something new outside the realm of AR and VR, but it is a new AR push for this year, at least, marking yet another point in time where Snapchat, in some way, was able to be part of history, and in doing so, slightly elevate and empower both the status and image of women globally.

