Updates on any of the major social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok can go viral, reaching a massive number of people in a short amount of time. However, most instances of virality on these platforms do require a certain amount of luck. On Twitter, it’s a different case because you can easily be seen and heard. Simply tagging a brand, a publication, or even other influencers can cause your engagement to explode. Twitter is definitely one of the more open platforms out here.

The same ‘openness’ is also what makes it the best resource for brands and marketers because it’s often where people go to voice out their opinions and express their thoughts. Alternatively, people also go on Twitter to seek certain brands’ attention, especially those within the public sphere. Tapping into Twitter’s networks also provides significant research opportunities, with its new ‘Spaces’ function adding ever so slightly to its growing repertoire of engagement and discussion tools.

As such, here are 3 key Twitter monitoring tricks.

Monitor BIO Changes

Pay attention to Twitter bios. There’s not much space for users and even brands to fully describe themselves on Twitter, as such, they make the most of what’s available. Sometimes, all you need to do is look at someone’s BIO to get an idea of the things that really interest them.

To add, whenever users do perform BIO updates, it’s usually caused by a recent significant change in their personal lives, such as marriage, having a first child, a promotion, and things of similar nature.

AS a brand, reaching out to users who share these life milestones is a great tactic, when used right of course. Use this BIO monitoring to aid in:

  • Building relationships with influencers

  • Converting high-profile leads

  • Build connections with niche journalists and media publications

One way to go about this effectively is to use tools like VisualPing which basically alerts you about significant website and element changes that might prove useful for your approach.

Monitor Niche Questions 

Getting referral traffic from Twitter can be tricky because users often prefer quick updates and are particular about brevity. Though a bit challenging, building high-quality clicks on Twitter is doable, you just have to actively participate in highly relevant and/or related discussions.

Monitor keywords and make use of the TweetDeck in order to really streamline your searches. This kind of monitoring allows you to better understand user pain points, thereby allowing you a chance to also better assist them. There’s also an automated way to approach this, but we’d already be breaching the first tip in that doing so doesn’t really help build any form of lasting relationship with your target audience.

Competitive Monitoring

Better customer targeting also involves a little investigation on your part. Keep an eye on your potential customers, especially with how they interact with your competitors.

  • What annoys them most?

  • Are there product features missing from the competition that you can fill out?

  • What similar problem points are present on your side and can these be addressed?

This type of monitoring can help you avoid instances where customers get so ticked that they start voicing complaints publicly. Additionally, you can also learn from competitors by watching how they respond to such complaints.

Win over unhappy customers by reaching out to them and letting them know that you have what your competitors lack. Moreover, you can actually monitor Tweets containing a “:(“. With the same logic, you can also perform searches about positive competitor interactions in order to come up with improved offers to still win over even happy customers. Now that’s legal piracy.

The Wrap

The main takeaway here is that your monitoring, which is always an ongoing process, should be as broad if not broader than your overall marketing strategy. It’s something that definitely pays off the more you do it, because by monitoring, you’re basically getting as much direct customer information and insight as possible in order to really identify what they’re looking for or, at the very least, offer solutions to really persistent problems that others simply can’t seem to solve.

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