LinkedIn’s looking to help out businesses that manage multiple accounts to streamline their LinkedIn marketing process, with the public launch of its new Business Manager platform. The platform enables you to feed into multiple accounts and manage all of them under a single dashboard.

As per LinkedIn:

“LinkedIn Business Manager is a new platform that makes it easier for organizations to manage the people, ad accounts, Pages, and the businesses they work with from one place. For large advertisers and agencies that market across multiple ad accounts and Pages, Business Manager provides a central view of all your ad accounts and Pages and offers seamless control across them.”

Getting Down to Business

The platform allows users to manage access and permissions and comes equipped with a centralized listing of all connected profiles and users. You can also share Matched Audience data across ad accounts, providing a more streamlined way to use custom audiences and related information across profiles.

LinkedIn first announced this platform last month and was in limited testing when it did. Now, all businesses have access, though LinkedIn does mention that it’s still pretty much in beta mode, for the time being. Hopefully, the influx of usage and all that precious insight speeds up the option’s approach to its final form.

It might just end up being a handy option for big brands and agencies, providing more management capacity and oversight in a simple dashboard, through functionality. It may not be a major change, but it’s certainly one that brings a lot of potential impacts. Most of the new platform’s features are available in different forms – it’s more designed to bring everything together, making it easier to manage your LinkedIn process.

Check out LinkedIn’s Business Manager here, while LinkedIn also released an infographic that outlines how you can get started using it. Below are a few key notes.

  • Identifying prospects and your work models are important pre-onboarding steps.

  • Invite people to the Business Manager.

  • Ad multiple ad accounts to the Manager’s dashboard.

  • Add pages to the Manager’s dashboard.

  • Create Business Manager partnerships.

The Wrap

The overview lists the above-mentioned as steps and has a detailed breakdown of the procedures and various elements associated with each. Overall, the new platform is certainly a useful tool that’ll no doubt further improve LinkedIn’s appeal for network-building. Furthermore, allowing users to link multiple ad accounts and manage them from a single dashboard is a lucrative offer for any advertiser, potentially increasing LinkedIn’s revenue-generating value as well.

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