Though it may not look like it, LinkedIn is actually a good platform to run ad campaigns on. Given its highly professional background and scale, the right ad campaigns can potentially give you highly favorable results, netting you both credibility and higher engagement. However, it’s often where and how to start that challenge beginner users the most.

Many Step and More Patience

If you’re looking to get started with a LinkedIn advertising campaign and would want to cover all bases from the get-go, then LinkedIn’s Marketing Solutions team might have just what you need in the form of an infographic. It’s understandable if inexperienced and new users find it a bit challenging getting used to LinkedIn’s various features and dynamics, which is why this new guide comes in at a most opportune time.

Essentially, LinkedIn’s team broke the process down into 19 easy steps, spread across six segments or categories. These six are:

  • Account setup

  • Campaign setup

  • Audience

  • Bid and budget

  • Creative

  • After launch

The visual overview sports a simple yet intuitive layout that shows users the steps, with pro tips directly beside them, teaching users how they can maximize or even improve each step taken. What’s more, since it’s a checklist, users aren’t limited to simply crossing out an item and not be able to back track in the event that campaign performance either dips or unforeseen elements derail its progression. The tips also double as reminders when conducting assessments, tipping users off to certain campaign elements they might have missed.

Another interesting thing to note is that the steps are presented as questions instead of instructions, requiring more active participation on the side of users because it allows them to perform introspection while going through each. Not only does that help them craft more accurate and methodical campaigns, but also better lines up with LinkedIn’s thought leadership domain.

The Wrap

At face-value, it’s a pretty simple add on. At the very least, it’s another free and helpful resource straight from LinkedIn to help out your on-platform efforts. However, upon closer inspection, it’s also an intuitive and highly functional tool that demands consistent action from users if they mean to really make sizable gains from their campaigns. We recommend checking it out.

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