In much anticipation, users best buckle up since LinkedIn’s ‘Funny’ reaction draws closer to release. Posted by app researcher Nima Owji, LinkedIn’s looking to expand on its current reactions set by adding a new ‘Funny’, laughing emoji. Pretty soon, we’ll all have another way to quickly respond to hilarious classics, or at least to ‘classics’ borne of modern humor and wit.

That’s Funny…

In all honesty, though, it doesn’t seem to fit well on LinkedIn – what’s worse, many ‘influencers’ simply resort to stealing memes from other platforms and reposting them on LinkedIn, getting all the credit in the forms of likes and added engagement.

Despite being the world’s largest professional network, there’s always room for some laughter and jokes. Surprisingly, on LinkedIn, the ‘laughing’ reaction has been one of the most requested updates. Indeed, back in February, LinkedIn Chief Product Officer Tommy Cohen, as part of a broader update he and his team have been working on, said that:

“One of the top requests we got was for a laughing emoji reaction. We hear you loud & clear and we agree. Humor is indeed a serious business.”

LinkedIn has also added other emoji response options in the past, including the ‘Support’ reaction that it rolled out in June 2020, in response to posts about the pandemic. Based on user interest, ‘Funny’ will likely be the next element that could add some value to the app.

There’s no official word from LinkedIn exactly when this option would go live and it hasn’t been added to its Help page for Reactions as yet (LinkedIn normally updates its Help pages before going live with new features). At most, it does seem that it’s getting close, with this format and visual style looking very much complete.

The Wrap

The internet is a place where countless elements interact and reside. Not even a professional titan such as LinkedIn would be immune to the various nuances and pop-culture influences of the modern web. However, influence, at least in this sense, isn’t always a bad thing. Despite appearing completely out of place in a space such as LinkedIn, reactions will play their part in helping the platform achieve higher levels of engagement and even go as far as to help facilitate newer forms of connection and interaction.

LinkedIn hasn’t released additional details yet, but it will likely do so in the coming weeks.

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