While Twitter continues to struggle to bring its finances under control, amid the various changes in the app, the Super Bowl provided a sliver of hope, with the vast majority of Super Bowl advertisers also spending on Twitter ads to expand their promotional reach. Though uncanny, Twitter has long been home to many Super Bowl and other big sports events discussions, with its real-time nature complimenting live engagement.

Bowling for Time

According to Twitter, 2023 again saw global Tweets increase around the event. This should boost Chef Twit Elon Musk’s hopes that he can still turn things around, even with significantly reduced staff, and build into a revenue-positive company. Sure, it’s mainly wishful thinking right now, but that’s better than being cynical.

So, on that note, here are the most Tweeted ads during the event:

Bud Light nets a top spot because of its creative use of on-hold music, featuring celebrity Miles Teller. Bud Light’s ad campaign proved to be a hit and garnered thousands of in-app interactions. It helped that Bud Light was also giving away $10k for every score to fans that Tweeted its campaign Hashtags.

Movie streaming platform Tubi also managed to get many people chittering with its ‘Glitch’ promo. Tubi’s campaign ran midway through the game and drove the most originally authored Tweets. It sparked much panic and subsequent discussion, cementing its solid ranking.

Coming in third is Pepsi, who’s no stranger to the best names of Twitter advertising. Pepsi’s big-budget promo prompted viewers to actually try Pepsi Max for themselves. Twitter says that the campaign drove the second-most original Tweets of the game, while Derek Zoolander’s re-emergence also helped drive more interest in their promotion.

In some ways, the Super Bowl was also Twitter’s re-emergence, amid various proclamations of its downfall in the wake of Musk’s takeover. Again, the Super Bowl showed that Twitter is a key connection platform, and can be a great ad partner for campaigns, helping to boost awareness and engagement. To add, Twitter mentioned that many campaigns also used its newer ad features, such as:

The Wrap

True enough, these types of newer activations could point to future opportunities for the app, and if it can also manage to squeeze in payments somewhere in there, which is another key aspect of Musk’s ‘Twitter 2.0’ plans, integrations like these could become a bigger consideration for brands. Later on, becoming more commonplace throughout the app. In the end, it was a big showcase for Twitter and a significant milestone for Musk and Co.

