Are you interested in knowing what the key product trends are this coming holiday season? Are you keen on gaining significant year-end traction for your business? Because if you are, then GOOD! Because that’s just what Google wants to give you! Google had just published its Holiday 100 List, which essentially highlights product searches that are expected to trend the most when the holidays kick in. The predictions are, of course, based on rising search activity on Google over the recent months.

Google explains:

“This year’s Holiday 100 reflects the realities many of us are still living in. Home equipment like coffee makers and fitness gear continue to make the list. But we’re also seeing more items that suggest people are getting out more, like fragrances and beauty products.”

The listings appear pretty basic, then again, they’re lists, so you can’t really expect people to go over-the-top with regards to presentation. Simple as it may be, the key thing to not is that they outline pertinent information that you’ll be needing. With the list, you can find the perfect gift for family and friends, or better align your marketing approach so as to be able to offer the same to people.

Google notes perfumes and colognes are trending higher compared to past years, with tech products also being a popular option, at least for this year. In part, the rising interest in such could be a result of the prolonged lockdowns brought about by COVID; since more people are just itching to get out, months having been stuck at home had allowed them to seek out items that either improve their experience for when they can finally go out again, or improve their connection to better keep in touch with distant loved ones.

Gaming has also taken a surprising turn within the last 2 years, with more people looking to either buy a gaming console or save up for a powerful laptop or to build their own custom rig. This doesn’t just stop purely at gaming as game-related live-streams and other forms of media have also significantly gained traction (looking at your Christmas Steam sale). The iminent Metaverse shift also places more emphasis on virtual environments with social games such as Minecraft, Fortnite, E-Sports Leagues, and Roblox dominating both the connectivity and in-app purchasing scenes.

The Wrap

Google remains to be the most visited and the most used website, making the trends and insights on it, even if pertaining to more general factors, more reliable than the rest. Especially now that restrictions are easing up, the prospect of being able to go out, buy gifts, and meet up with family and friends over the holidays makes for a really big driver in terms of traffic, engagement, and of course sales. People look up lists with the intent of buying, meaning that if you can effectively make use and leverage off of Google’s lists, then your businesses can all have pretty decent, if not spectacular year-ends!

Google gives us an example of how not having a dedicated mini-site or a full fledged guide isn’t a hindrance to marketing efforts. Though it’s a bit of a special case for Google, given its size and influence, the underlying core premise is that sometimes, all you need to get the best is a simple list. Happy holidays, and happy shopping! Check out Google’s full ‘Holiday 100 List’ here.

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