How particular are you when it comes to online ranking? Let us rephrase the question; How knowledgeable are you with regard to SEO and search rank results? Within the past year, have you experienced a decrease in your organic Google traffic for 2021? If you did, then you need not worry as there are several reasons that could explain the dip in your ranking performance. Either that or you might also have been affected by Google’s recent Page Experience update.

The 2021 Google Page Experience Update is a pretty significant update and marks what is possibly the biggest change on Google for the entirety of 2021 and even within the last five years. To better illustrate the significance of these changes, it’d be best to at least start by providing a little historical context. Online or internet ‘ranking’ officially started in 1998, when Google released the very first version of its SERPs. It was from that point on that the accuracy and relevance of search results would prove crucial in determining whether or not digital marketing efforts would bear results.

S(E)O, What’s Up? 

Search Engine Optimization is responsible for arranging and displaying search engine query results based on how close they seemingly answer whatever word or line was queued in. For example, if you type “best summer hat” on Google, then the corresponding top results for the query would either be a list/buyer’s guide, a video review, a link to a shopping page,  and more.

Although, it wasn’t always like this. Going back to the very beginning, SEO was first introduced in 1991 and was nothing more than a bare-bones means to be able to view and access the different websites at the time.  Fast forward to the 2000s, SEO had significantly evolved, and the integration of Google’s legendary algorithm had marked the beginning of the online marketing era that’s dominated by relevance and specificity.

SEO is not the most basic to learn, nor is it the shortest element to learn about. On the contrary, it’s one of the longest pieces to tackle that teaches you about online visibility, content reach, and discovery. This is exactly the reason why SEO crash courses and quick guides could prove crucial in helping you quickly adjust and realign your SEO strategies so as to be a better fit for your overall marketing approach.

So, speaking of guides, a team from online digital marketing company Attrock, has shared their Google 2021 update guide to help you better prepare your SEO strategy for a strong head start in 2022. View the entire infographic here.

The Wrap

While not in-depth, which is also good in certain cases, the guide does discuss five key elements pertaining to an effective SEO strategy. They breakdown the following:


  • Core Web Visuals

  • Mobile Usability

  • Intrusive Interstitials

  • Best Practices

It cannot be avoided that any comprehensive SEO strategy never overlooks product quality. To accompany your site’s good looks and smooth functions, you need to also be offering long-lasting and distinct offers, worthy to land you that #1 SERP spot.

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