The growing creator economy is slowly transforming the entire marketing cyberspace. To show its support for the new and emerging economic trend, Google launched a new platform designed to help creators with their efforts. Google gives a brief overview in this short announcement trailer by Google For Creators on YouTube.

From the video, the new ‘Google For Creators’ resource provides a range of helpful materials, including several tips, guides, and insights all aimed at helping build and establish a content business online. Think of it as a “Personal YouTube Starter Course”.

The website functions more like a boot camp or online program rather than an actual platform, partially regressing any apprehension or pressure associated with starting an online business. The site includes various pointers and suggestions, including tidbits from those who have already seen success. Since it is by Google after all, creators also get the added benefit of being kept in the loop on the latest Google products and offers. Wow, talk about value-added. You’ll also be able to find several links to various guides about content strategy, audience-building, monetization, and more. It even has a little interactive quiz to help determine what would be the best start.

The quiz is mainly a “grass-roots” builder type of tool and features 4 distinct series of questions. You can select which question best applies to your current scenario by choosing from available options in the drop-down list that appears. While explanations are not overly in-depth, such inputs can prove crucial for absolute newbies. Besides, simplifying what is essentially an “onboarding” process helps further alleviate the otherwise overwhelming factors associated with establishing an online brand.

Though most would argue that the resources provided eventually boil down to generalized statements (e.g “Create good content…”), that’s mainly from the perspective of experienced creators and e-entrepreneurs, which we believe are not really the target audience for the platform. At best, for those who already know what they’re doing, the site serves as a refresher or “Back to Basics Course”. However, for those totally new to the concept of online content business, ‘Google Creators’ is as close to a business insider as total beginners can get, which is often all that’s needed to be set on the right path.

The Wrap

Not everything needs to be 100% directed. Although that’s the case  when it comes to content, with more relevant content being better, the same doesn’t necessarily have to apply when it comes to business processes as there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all marketing guide. What the site may lack in terms of in-depth explanation, it makes up for with more practical tips, which could prove to be more beneficial towards identifying what would be an “ideal” approach.

Overall, if you’re looking for ways to optimize your content strategy, ‘Google Creators’ is definitely worth a look. It may not be a revolutionary approach, but it’s better than having no guidance. If you want to explore more of the site, you can check it out here.

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