Did you ever use Facebook’s Creator Studio, its video-focused page management platform? Though unbeknownst to most regular users, Facebook’s Creator Studio, at one point, became the de facto go-to for many social media managers for scheduling page content. Soon, however, it too will join Meta’s app and feature graveyard, with Meta recently urging Creator Studio users to switch over to its Business Suite platform instead.

End of Creation

Meta’s new Business Suite makes use of updated analytics, scheduling, and messaging tools, offering a new management app to those who are either looking for or want something more than what the Creator Studio offered. Meta also notes that users can switch back to Creator Studio, but will soon remove the option once the transition period is over.

That being said, Business Suite is basically Creator Studio 2.0, albeit a more comprehensive page management app, complete with augmented scheduling and messaging features. Meta’s new management platform also includes a couple of helpful prompts, such as top-performing post samples from pages similar to yours. There are also A/B testing tools, tags, and direct integration of Facebook and Instagram ad tools. I mean, from an advertiser and manager standpoint, what else could you want, right?

The only major drag here, if you would call it that, is that Business Suite has a different format from Creator Studio, meaning that it’ll take some familiarization and getting used to all over again. However, such a trade-off is negligible if, in return, you get greater potential reach vis-a-vis improved tools and options. Besides, Meta seems to push for a new page management app every few years, much like the life-cycle upgrade of phones and other electronics (i.e., getting the ‘newest’ model every 2 – 3 years).

The Business Suite, which can be considered a ‘big leap’ from the Creator Studio might stick around a bit longer. After all, it comes equipped with all the bells and whistles and is decked out with features and options that its previous incarnation could have only dreamt of. Once you get used to it, it could be a better option for managing all aspects of your Facebook and Instagram accounts.

The Wrap

Meta has already added new alerts to Creator Studio, prompting users that it’ll soon be shutting down. In the meantime, they should start migrating to the new Business Suite, lest they drop Meta as a platform of choice entirely because of this decision, which, to be fair, is perhaps one of the worst decisions anyone wanting to make it on social media can make. Things move at a constantly fast pace online – you either get with the times and learn to adapt, or you get out; the choice is yours to make. 

