What is new on Social Media? For a start, there are new interactive TikTok add-ons! TikTok consistently releases new updates that improve its users’ experience and utility. If tools and features define a social platform, then TikTok has an exemplary definition. To reiterate, TikTok is adding new interactive add-ons for promotions, which are essentially visual markers, like stickers and pop-ups.

Adding On to The Interaction

These new interactive add-ons give marketers a new way to get direct user responses via an invitation to interact. As per TikTok:

“Interactive Add-ons offer a unique way to entice engaged viewers with popups, stickers, and other visual elements. Viewers who have shared, liked, or commented on a TikTok brand video are 150% more likely to buy a product or service. Catching the eye of active consumers is made easier with these new creative enhancements.”

We are not sure about the context of this stat, but the general observation is interesting. So far, those who have ‘shared, like, or commented on a TikTok brand video’ have done so genuinely. That contrasts interactive features that prompt users to do so, which sounds counterintuitive. Conceptually, getting users to interact with an ad could add extra value to your promotion, increasing brand awareness and resonance. TikTok’s Interactive Add-Ons come in two forms – Standard and Premium.

The ‘Standard’ add-on elements are:

Display Card – Highlights key brand messages/offers.

Gift Code Sticker – Offers engagement incentives.

Voting Sticker – This allows you to run a poll, quiz, or feedback form in your ad.

Countdown Sticker – Highlights an upcoming event.

Meanwhile, the ‘Premium’ elements include: 

Pop-out Showcase – Enables you to highlight your product and drive direct action.

Gesture – Enables you to invite participation, with viewer action then revealing more product insight.

Super Like 2.0 – Adds ’eye-catching floating icons that appear when users engage with your ad.’ and includes a pop-up card after the Super Like effect appears.

By no means are these innately novel additions, but as TikTok has repeatedly shown, reinvention brings rebirth. That said, those could be handy options to drive engagement from your TikTok ads. On TikTok, the more you can stop users mid-scroll, the more likely you are to get their attention.

The Wrap

While the engagement stat from TikTok may not wholly be reflective, enticing interaction can improve and drive more brand resonance. Especially on the world’s most entertaining app, it could be worth experimenting with these new tools. TikTok does not try hard to try and change the status quo. Instead, TikTok takes currently trending elements and reintroduces them in entirely new ways. Interaction has always been a core aspect of the platform, so these new interactive add-ons help cement TikTok’s cultural impact.

