Snapchat just published its 2022 version of its ‘Snapchat Generation’ report, which looks at how Snapchatters are using the app connect and how brands can better align their messaging to match these key trends.

Incorporating insights from over 19,000 users and across 16 markets, the 28-page Snapchat Generation report provides you with valuable snapshots of what Snap users value most, which could prove crucial in boosting your marketing efforts.

Reporting The Generation

Before we go deeper, which really isn’t too much, you can check out the full report here. So, without further ado, let’s get into the highlights. To start, Snapchat explores why people use the app, with more intimate sharing among friends and other close connections being the key case.

Based on the report, Snapchat says that it’s number one when it comes to people sharing moments with friends, as opposed to more public social media postings. On this note, Snapchat has also been gaining favor with older audiences as a key connective tool viable during the different stages of life. As per the report, 93% of users enjoy sharing moments and just celebrating life on the platform.

Connection has now become Snapchat’s niche – it snags the top position for sharing among more personal groups. On a scale, no way can Snapchat compete with Facebook or Instagram in terms of sharing magnitude, so instead, it refined its focus more towards private interaction, which, so far, has helped it establish a more defined market fit, helping maintain growth.

According to Snap:

“Brands have to accept Snapchatters for who they are and consider ways to embed themselves seamlessly into this generation’s everyday conversations. Remember — openness and transparency are key for this.”

There are also insights on Snapchat eCommerce and its emerging use case as a social shopping channel. Snapchat also claims that it’s the #1 platform where users enjoy sharing what they shopped, which could have distinct value, especially when users look to share their purchases with close friends. Snap also notes that AR has become a key component in its shopping experience.

Snap’s working on a range of projects on this front, including its AR Spectacles and even Bitmoji fashion sharing, showing another way for Snapchat to maximize its eCommerce potential.

The Wrap

Though it’s not looking to be a shopping mega center like Pinterest, Snapchat clearly shows value in this area, as more and more people look to refer to friends for opinions before making a purchase.

There are certainly valuable data points here, as well as some key notes for brand planning, which is what makes Snap’s Generation report worth taking a gander at. Overall, the report gives us a better sense of where things are going and how to better connect with users in the app.

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