Landing pages? What are they? The ground zero for freefall enthusiasts? While landing pages aren’t exactly as thrilling, they do serve an important purpose. If you’re not looking for ways to optimize your landing page, then you might be losing out significantly on improving your site traffic. So, what are some of the ways to maximize landing page conversions?

Land On The Spot

To help you hit the mark on those landing pages, a team from Toptal has shared their success tips in an infographic. To summarize, Toptal gave five major ‘Segments’, if you will. 

  • Publish Relevant Content

  • Write Concise and Compelling Copy

  • Illustrate Results

  • Enable Conversions

  • Align with Referrals

Before we proceed, you can check out the full infographic here. The other ‘Steps’ would now include: 

Publish Relevant Content

Make sure that your landing pages connect customers to their desires. People purchase products to satisfy their needs.

Write Concise and Compelling Copy

Get to the point, and get to it immediately. Make it fast but also compelling.

Illustrate Results

Make your value propositions apparent with imagery. Show how your product or service solves people’s problems.  

Enable Conversions

The path to conversion must be evident on every part of the page.

Align With Referrals

Ensure visual consistency between landing pages and referral sources, be they social posts or banner ads.

Cut the Clutter

Trash everything unnecessary. 

Make Value Apparent

Do not forsake the five-second rule. Value propositions should be apparent on the first pass.

Accommodate Skimmers

People love to skim online, so make sure you break the copy into short chunks and bulleted lists. Optimize for F- and Z-pattern scanning.

Keep Pages Short

Again, your pages should be as short as possible. Avoid scrolling if you can, but make it really quick if you can’t. 

Employ Ample Whitespace

Use whitespace to help your prospects focus on important content. 

Stay On-Board

Always align with brand voice and identity.

Consider Video

You should always consider video when and where possible; because it’s often more creative, engaging, and empathic than other types of media.

Utilize Social Proof

Reviews, ratings, testimonials—basically, a sort of feedback system that allows you to show people that you’re okay with being transparent.

Frame Choices

People like the power to choose one thing over another. Look for ways to help your prospects make comparisons.

Leverage Scarcity

Highlight the FOMO factor of your offers; make it sound like your offers are exclusive, limited, and selling like hotcakes.

The Wrap

So, as you can see, there are quite a number of ways to progress your landing page escapades for 2023, some of which you might already have been doing or might not have been aware were possible. Regardless, now you have the knowledge and insight to refine your strategies and implement new elements to maximize your results.
