Apple’s ATT data privacy update has adversely affected the ad sector in many ways, with Meta alone predicting that users who would opt out of data tracking will cost them around $10 billion in lost ad spend this 2022. In a broader spectrum, this has caused all apps to come up with new ways to maximize ad efficiency without relying too much on targeting insight. While the full effect of the ATT has yet to be felt, more platforms now continue to re-establish their footing in this new environment, opting to work with ad partners to maximize their campaigns.

TikTok Comes Knocking

On this front, TikTok has decided to partner up with marketing analytics platform Adjust to create a new, 31-page guide on how to approach your TikTok tracking and analytics, keeping in mind Apple’s new tracking parameters. As per tradition here, we’ll leave out most of the nuanced details and mainly look at key points and highlights.

In the wake of Apple’s changes, the guide essentially breaks down your performance tracking into two approaches – either you get an opt-in and continue tracking as normal, or users opt out, leaving you with no choice except to use Apple’s SKadNetwork process. SKadNetwork enables advertisers to measure some campaign data, at least those that are within privacy parameters. The guide sheds light on certain limitations of this process and how you can best manage such:

  • One Post-back Per Install – Limits you to only one post-back per install, meaning that the setup process is a one-time make-or-break deal. Allows for ‘Zero compromises’.
  • Working with Conversion Values – A technical element providing 6-bits of downstream metrics ranging from 0 to 63.
  • The Timer – Ties in with the conversion value and gives each fresh 6-bit code 24hrs, after which another 24hr-window is given for attribution.

The guide also looks at opt-in tips and how to maximize app-level data access, which is meant more for developers but still serves as valuable insight nonetheless. From there, the guide digs into more specific notes for advertisers, including a new campaign setup process based on the new tracking process. These notes specifically lay out the optimal account setup for your TikTok campaigns, taking into account Apple’s newly imposed restrictions.

Lastly, there’s also a section that covers opt-in rates by region and vertical, hopefully further helping out your planning. Some of the verticals include ‘Early predictions’, industry-wide rates, and even gaming.

The Wrap

If you need a bunch of useful insights, then there are plenty here. However, there’s also somewhat of an implied restriction, seeing as how several important elements are also more technical, limiting the access of smaller markets. The bottom line is that there are key points that could help you maximize your TikTok marketing efforts.

For now, there still isn’t a foolproof way to navigate the latest data tracking changes, but this could at least get you thinking about what you can do to boost performance. With the holidays fast approaching, it’s a good a time as any to start working on those ad campaigns and seasonal promotions.

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