It’s apparent that video is now the most engaging content format, across all platforms, and while short-form clips are all the rage right now, all video formats are worth considering when talking about your broader digital marketing strategy. Twitter may not have followed TikTok down the path of shorter clips, but it has at least sought to give video content more focus, with the addition of full-screen video display formats and a new video-specific feature section within the Explore tab.

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Recently, Twitter reports that around 71% of all user sessions in the app now involve video, while users also scroll slower in-stream when video content is displayed. This is a stat that’s well worth considering – and if you’re looking to maximize your Twitter video approach too, then these tips straight from Twitter should provide you with some additional direction when composing your on-platform video content.

1 . Keep It Short and Simple

Obviously. You can’t really call it short form if the video isn’t short now, can you? Given the aforementioned trend, as well as the intrinsically brief nature of Tweets, Twitter says that shorter videos do perform better on the app.

“Our research shows shorter ads (6 to 15 seconds) are more effective at driving consideration and purchase intent.”

Twitter also says that brands should use short Tweets to go with their video clips, with around 10 words/50 characters being the ideal target.

2. Include Product, People, and Prominent Branding

Twitter suggests that you include these elements in your Tweeted video clips:

  • Prominent branding — Your brand name and logo should appear at the very start of the video and within the first four seconds.

  • Strong colors — Use dominant colors within the video, close to your brand’s palette.

  • Your product or service — Include your product/service within the first three seconds and ensure it’s present on screen for 75% of the video.

  • People — Real people resonate. Including a human presence, a celebrity, or a crowd works particularly well.

  • A sound-off strategy — Subtitles ensure accessibility for all and can help capture on-the-go mobile viewers.

3. Connect with What’s Happening

Twitter mentions that people come to the app to keep in touch with the latest news and updates. The more you can connect your brand messaging with the same, the better. Twitter says that topical campaigns tend to see greater recall and brand awareness, which is worth factoring in, especially around seasonal events. Twitter no doubt also recommends brands consider Connect campaigns to ensure that they link into relevant discussions throughout the year.

The Wrap

And just like that – BOOM – you now have an optimized Twitter video marketing approach. Well, that’s the gist of it at least. These are definitely some handy notes and, much like the current trend, the shorter, the better. These notes should help ensure that your Twitter ad campaigns stay on the right track and that you maximize what platform opportunities you can. It’s definitely worth checking out, especially if you plan on milking the coming holiday season, oh, and before Elon Musk finishes his purchase of the company (maybe).

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