TikTok’s looking to latch onto the growing AI hype, with the world’s entertainment HQ now launching its own AI chatbot, which is currently being tested with users in the Philippines. What’s probably the most interesting about this update is how TikTok is launching what would probably be a test feature in an Asian market, instead of a Western one. All the clout TikTok has gained in the West has probably irked it enough to try something new in new places.

One Order of Tako

Based on official images (posted by Watchful.ai), TikTok’s ‘Tako’ chatbot, where available, is accessible via the right-hand on-screen menu, which would allow users to ask questions of the bot in the app. It’s highly similar to Snapchat’s ‘My AI’ generative AI response tool.

However, given the early problems with My AI, as well as other generative AI tools, TikTok’s taking a cautious approach to the rollout, with limited testing at this stage. According to TikTok:

“We’re in the early stages of exploring chatbot tools with a limited test of Tako with select users in the Philippines. Tako is powered by a third-party chat assistant and is designed to help make it easier to discover entertaining and inspiring content on TikTok. No current plans for this beyond these early tests, but we’re excited to hear your feedback!”

So, Tako’s aim is theoretically less about providing answers to all queries, and more about helping users find relevant TikTok content that matches their queries. It could also provide direct answers about certain elements of video clips, and guide users towards content trends.

Of course, it’s never just a one-way street – this could be both good and bad. Ideally, Tako will help to enhance the TikTok discovery experience, highlighting increasingly relevant video clips, but given that TikTok’s system can already push users towards harmful, dangerous content at times, there could also be some inherent risks in leaving such to an AI bot. This is probably the reason why TikTok isn’t planning to release Tako to younger users at all, while there’s also an associated warning screen in the app.

The Wrap

Clearly, Tako can provide more direct answers and responses. And given the broader questions about the safety of TikTok, it’ll likely be hesitant to initiate a full launch of the function until it can be assured that the risks on this front are limited. At the very least, it could be an interesting addition, and it could help users discover more within the app, while also leaning into the generative AI trend.

