Pinterest has provided some new Pin ad tips, based on various brand lift studies, incorporating feedback from over 12,000 Pinners. The data shows that taking a multi-format, multi-stage approach can provide bigger returns, with brands focusing on awareness, consideration, and conversion. On average, the conversion rates are higher than those aligned to a single objective. 

Multiple Objectives

As mentioned earlier, Pinterest’s main action point is that advertisers should aim to target consumers at each stage of the purchase cycle, as opposed to doubling down on just one aspect. As Pinterest explains:

“By adopting more than one objective, advertisers have seen up to a 57% improvement in sales lift. If you’re focused only on conversion, you may forgo reaching new customers further up the funnel.”

Then again, it’s to be expected for Pinterest to say this, as more ads equal more money, but the data also shows that taking a broader focus that incorporates all elements will provide Pinterest users with more scope and connection, thus driving better results.

Upweight Your Spend Towards Video

Video is the most engaging format, regardless of the platform. Pinterest advises brands to also aim for video as a compromise between 50% and 60% of their media plan, maximizing ROI. Idea Pins serve as Pinterest’s key format right now.

Keep Your Campaign Feeling Fresh

Don’t forget to include a bit of variety in your creative mix, which can improve your Pinterest campaign performance. Pinterest also notes that using 3+ ad formats can increase awareness by as much as 3x.

Take a Holistic Approach to Measurement

Lastly, Pinterest recommends linking your upper funnel activities with your lower funnel ones, giving you a true gauge of campaign performance.

“How-to videos, recipes, and tutorials measure substantially stronger mid-lower funnel uplifts like 12x the impact on brand favorability and 8.5x on purchase intent. To maximize results pick the ad format that best fits your goals and aim to educate and inspire Pinners to incorporate your products or brand in their life in relevant ways.”

The Wrap

In other words, you need to consider the performance of each aspect in a broader campaign sense, as opposed to measuring each element against the same data points. These are some interesting notes, which could help you put together a more effective Pinterest marketing strategy. With Pinterest’s user base on the rise and high purchase intent, this is a worthy consideration for the platform and its potential value for your promotions.
